
I Choose This

It’s so bumpyAnd we are bruised as we bounce aroundBanging knees and armsAnd even sometimes heads or heartsKnocking into each other and all the things around us as we go It is almost never smooth sailing, as they sayThough there…

Benjamin at 3 years old

Letting Hard Things Be Hard

It wasn't until I started talking about all of the trauma as trauma that the panic attacks around pregnancy and birth stopped. I have come to firmly believe we have to let ourselves acknowledge that hard things are hard.

It is dangerous to think that only perfect things can be beautiful and good. Or that hard parts of relationships make them have any less love.

So to honor that idea, this is the rest of my birth story.

Benjamin asleep in my bed

But Is

I watch this little baby
Who shouldn't be in my bed
But is

Ruth Carlin

Life of Sketch of Dorothy Ruth Carlin

Ruth’s real love in life was people. She made you feel like an old friend from the moment you met her.  She never forgot a birthday and spent hours of her life on her phone and computer keeping in touch with all of the people she loved all over the world.