Lonely bird

The Lonely Part

Leaving the Mormon church has been many things for me. One of those things is hurtful and lonely. Leaving Mormonism is not just leaving your religion, it is also losing your community and your people.

My husband and I at his sister's wedding


When I was a member, I never let myself consider the implications for even the most generous views on LGBTQ people.

view from mountain top

More & Less

Looking back on the past few months of faith transition, I can see some vast changes in my heart and soul. I am still finding my way in this new world, but I wanted to document some of what I see right now. There are more of some things, and less of others things than there were a year ago.

fall trees

The Painful Part

The pain of leaving the church is part of the truth of leaving the church. But when our soul calls us to do hard things, we do hard things. So I am doing hard things.

Poisonous peas

Poisoned Peas

A powerful moment with God’s love for women started my journey out of the Mormon church.